Thursday, August 20, 2009

How Well It Your Sanitary Pad Doing Its Job?

How well is your sanitary pad doing its job?

Probably the most important quality of a sanitary pad is ABSORBENCY. Actually that is why we use them -to keep us dry. How well do different sanitary pads manage to do that job?
Here is an easy test we suggest. You can do it yourself or, if you don’t want to spend your money on several different kinds of pads, you can just take a look at how our tests turned out.

After carrying out the tests I realized we gathered so much material that it cannot all go into one post, so I will just show you the results of one test today.


You can see how we filled two different glasses with some blue colored water (5o ml. each) and then poured the water over the pads.

Then we took two dry paper towels and pressed them against the pads.

In the above pictures you can see how wet the towel got after pressing it against the Always pad. Actually it did not only get wet when pressing the hand against it, but even at a simple light finger tap.

Let’s see how the Anion did:

And here you saw how the towel pressed against the Anion Love Moon Sanitary Napkin remained dry, though I did press it hard! See how the finger goes deep in, pressing hard against it (above picture). And then, I pressed my hand so hard that the print of my hand can be seen on the towel, and it still remained dry.

In conclusion, you can obviously see the difference in between Anion and Always pads. Anion Love Moon sanitary napkin has a much higher level of absorption and that is what you need if you want to stay dry and feel comfortable.

My next post will be about Anion versus a different famous brand pad, so keep following us for more interesting tests results.


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